The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Monday, November 14, 2005

First Dog

Letter from Charlie Brown (10 pound Yorkie) to his friend in New Mexico

Dear Liebe:

Once again I persuaded my people to take me to the beach. We stopped at new Safeway in Longview. This was Dog Heaven! 2 acres of bark dust and jillions of new little bushes… I was “First Dog” for 67 new bushes. If I had more time, I could have been “First Dog” for hundreds and hundreds of bushes.

Chief and Briggie came out of Safeway, and performed their customary “Goin’ to the Beach” ritual… Briggie threw a cup of fresh Starbucks coffee inside the Mountaineer. Chief just looked at her, said not a word and went back into Starbucks for a reload. They didn’t speak for 20 miles.

Got to the beach, mattress all wet. Something is leaking (not me this time) Briggie tried to dry the mattress close in front of the furnace which kicked the circuit breaker so the furnace quit. It took Chief an hour to find the Reset button and get that going.

Chief and Briggie practiced ballroom dancing in the trailer. This was amazing to watch. They were mumbling, “Not enuff room to Rhumba in this hut!”

Rained all night, more wet mattress. Briggie dumped the water all night. In the morning I took Chief for a walk on beach. First I shwed Chief a dead deer, then we found a wonderful 7’ long 250 lb piece of driftwood. Chief lifted up the wood part way onto the Mountaineer bumper to load, and then, Briggie cried out:
“Wphewweeee! What is that smell?”

Have you ever smelled 200 dead rotting barnacles?
Have you ever smelled 200 dead rotting barnacles after the car heater is turned on? They left the driftwood, the barnacles and the deer on the beach.

We went to the Lewis and Clark re-enacters show at Long Beach. Those were tough guys. They went all that way with muzzle loaders and no Yorkies to protect ‘em. I think their tents leaked more than our trailer.

Came back, somehow Chief got the water heater going. Definition of somehow is “He has no clue, pushed buttons, now it’s working.”

Rain really poured all Saturday night. Chief didn’t sleep well because Briggie made him sleep on the wet mattress, and dump the water cans every hour, all night long. I felt sorry and tried to sleep by his side, so I didn’t get much sleep either. We went to a French restaurant for late breakfast, mountains of powdered sugar on some kind of a beignette roll. Wow. Arrived home, more water in trailer…but we got 13.9 miles per gallon!!!


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