The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wedding Shoes.

Dear Liebe: 24 September 05

Sure has been an interesting week. I got loose a couple times, went down the road and found a good cat food snack. Stuff tastes great, but the throw-up in the kitchen when I come back usually gets Briggie unhappy with me. Hey. Get this: I am learning to compute, search the web, and how to buy stuff!!

Yesterday evening, Briggie wanted Chief to buy shoes for this big wedding deal in New York City. They took me along to the Fred Meyer store, but made me stay in the car. Briggie left her phone in the car…the Chief had his along, and turned it on by accident. I got to hear play by play for an hour!

Chief must have tried on 10 pairs of shoes: “This one rubs my toe, this one rubs my heel” he would whine, then they would get out more shoes. Finally the salesman said, ”Sir, your right foot is a wide size 12, and your left foot is a narrow 11. NO, we cannot split pairs of shoes. How would you like to proceed?”

I could hear Briggie in the background telling Chief that she didn’t like the colors.So they left and we came home.

Chief said, “You know, we have had really good luck with Cabela’s. Why don’t I just order shoes by internet? I bet they have something just right for a wedding on Long Island beach.” (There is a wild place in WA called Long Beach.)

“So he starts teaching me how to compute and search and buy things on computer. We scrolled through Cabela’s shoe stuff, and finally found what he liked. He let me pull up a picture and Briggie checked it out, said “Ok”. So then we ordered the shoes On-line. I tapped my paw on ENTER and presto, we get an email from Cabela’s that shoes are on the way.”

I am sure glad I have learned to compute. If you get Brian to teach you, look at all the neat stuff you can order

“Tough part of all this is that for the wedding, I have to stay and guard Mack and Nancy’s house in Vancouver. Hit this link, and you will see Chief’s fancy wedding and dancing shoes: Chief's Choice of Wedding Shoes


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