The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Search and Rescue Monitoring

Search and Rescue Monitoring

Once again, the western states search and rescue organizations were having their annual bash, munching granola and drinking a potent mix of gator-ade and Starbucks French Roast.

The national director and master of ceremonies banged his gavel to signify the start of the formal evening: “Well folks, glad you could make it, and get away from your normal humdrums of seeking lost souls some of them deserving and needing to be found.”

“We have come up with entertainment which is above and beyond the ordinary cutie popping out of a cake, etc. What we have is a letter purportedly written by a dog, to another dog. I think you will all get a great laugh from this one!”.

We will just post it up above on our Power Point screen and you can finish eating, drinking, dancing and joking.

The overhead screen lights up and the following letter appears:

“Dearest Liebe”: the director starts reading for the audience:

“I had an amazing trip the other evening. Chief Reuel and Uncle David went up to the gun range for shooting. A little later Mom Briggie and Aunt Susie decided to head on up and surprise them. They took me along. I thought, somewhat in error it turns out, “life is good”.

“We stopped in Amboy and bought pretzels (dogs like pretzels) and looked at yet another stove. We only have 3 charcoal grills now, plus the trailer, plus the Coleman stove, plus the little camping stove, so we need one more.”

We made it to the range gate, which naturally was locked. They would not let me out to go find the Chief. They walked in, saw no one, and then Briggie got excited…“what if they drove off the road over a bank?” she said.

So we drove back to Fargher Lake 3 times by all possible ways. No cars over the bank. No ambulances, no fires, no sign of Chief and the David.

(by now the audience is silent, the Washington and Oregon rescue directors are mumbling…”Where have we heard this before?”.

Then Briggie started calling every one, she called the neighbor lady, she called Reuel’s car phone 5 times, she called the grocery store, it was crazy. Then we drove back and drove up Canyon Creek, and somewhere in there …Briggie said, “What if they both had a heart attack?”
Even Aunt Susie began to get excited. Somehow in trying to find the fire station at Amboy, they got lost again, even…. It was amazing.

(the Wyoming director in his pretty red shirt stands up and announces to the world, “That’s Mrs. Emery, got to be. No one else on the whole damn planet could have an imagination like that”)

The director continues reading, “We drove back to the range again, I think it was the third time. The gate still locked; and then.
We heard shooting. Chief and Uncle David had the van out on the rifle range where the dingbat duet couldn’t see em. All is well, and we got lots mileage, I think 180 miles for what is only 24 miles from home, and 17 long distance calls.

Uncle Charlie.

The master of ceremonies announces, “Isn’t that absolutely just precious, what a wonderful story”. He dodges adroitly as the North County EMS director throws a tomato at him.

“You wouldn’t think it was funny if you ever dealt with those people. That’s a normal day, that’s what my out fit has been stuck with for 15 years. How could you do this to us? Hell, the only relief we get is when the guys go to Wyoming!”

The Wyoming director chimes in…”Sir, there are two appropriate fates for showing this sordid tale.

“The first one would be to curse you to rot in hell, but that’s too good.”

“The second one, which I will take great pleasure in doing, is to give your home number to Mrs. Emery”.

The whole audience starts whooping and cheering, as the Wyoming director leave the fateful message on Mrs. Emery’s answering machine.


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