The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My Mustang Adventure

Dear Liebe: Sept 13, 05

I hear your Danidoodle mom and EJlittlesprout made it home ok. Bet you are glad. I guarded the house while Briggie took them to airport.

We had exciting evening last night. I took Chief for his 10 o’clock” bigout” long walk, before his hot chocolate and night sleep. Usually this is a pretty mundane stroll with only dodging loud little black cars that come storming up the hill.

This walk started off normal. There were nice looking cars and quiet people at the Miller house when we walked by. We walked part way up 122 avenue hill. One of the cars, the red mustang, came out the road and went down the 279 hill as we were walking back. It was not going fast as when boys drive, so I guess it was teenage girls driving.

When the car reached the bottom of the hill, there was a whole lot of screeching and sliding noise, and then there were headlights pointed up the hill at us and then a “Smack” sound.” Chief didn’t know what happened but because I have good dog hearing and good dog nose, I could smell the burned tire treads, and distinguish the sounds of gravel when the car spun out and slid partially off the road into the ditch and blackberry bushes.

Right away I knew there was a problem so I quickly drug the Chief back to the Miller house. What a chore! Don’t even think of trying to fast-drag a 200 pound man wearing worthless shoes for any great distance. He is really heavy and I was really huffing and puffing by the time I got him to the Miller porch.

The people in the car called the Millers just as we got to the house, turns out they were ok. Then Mr. Miller and Chief and I got the Miller Truck ”Ready to Rescue Damsels in Distress” with stuff like winches, pry bars, and tow cables, etc.

When we arrived down at spin out land, I quickly checked under the car. It was just a normal car underside with gravel, old dirt, smelly grease, all good stuff to a dog. I didn’t stay under there very long, because I didn’t want to get in the grease and then leave it all over inside the immaculate Miller truck. The car only had a couple scratches and the young lady was able to drive it out of the ditch, so we returned to Miller garage

I took Chief home and can you believe it, Briggie had fallen asleep, and didn’t even know the Chief and I were gone? Chief was joking with Mr. Miller that
“We should be hearing phone calls soon with Briggie trying to find us.” Not this time. That’s enough for this week. You take good care of Danja and EJ.



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