The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dancing Good News

Dear Liebe
August 5, 2006 Saturday morning. We are wireless-less here but there is
Dancing good news!!! Wow.

Guess what? Chief and Briggie are going to let me perform in one of their dancing skits. It’s called Brahm’s Lullaby, a CD by Kenny G on Clarinet.

My part is to be “the baby” wrapped up in a blanket. They start sitting in chairs, Briggie holds me like a baby, then they get up, she spins, then lays me down on the chairs, and I just wait there. They will dance around, pick me up, cuddle me, and they sit down again, all to this beautiful and exquisite music.

All I have to do stay in the blanket till the very last part, then when Briggie hands me off to Chief, he lets me go and I run and water a potted plant. Piece of cake!

2 hours later
August dancing bad news! Rats. I didn’t make the cut. Practice is a torture!

First they tried walking it through, with Chief whistling.
Aggr, have you ever heard Chief try to whistle? It was so bad that Briggie told him: “Either you stop whistling or we quit!” Right on, I say.

So then he tried counting while they walked it though: ”A One, A Two,
A Three’uh”. (Three’uh is the drag step). He is not very good at that either.

Then he tried to sing. OH my gosh. Do you know:
“Lullaby and good night,…..”. This was worse than “Almost Persuaded” and lots worse than the whistling. My poor ears both droop now.
Then Briggie said, “For Pete sake, turn on the music!”

After all this time the blanket was really hot. I had enough of this craziness, so I ripped up the blanket before they got thru the first stanza. Then I jumped off the chairs, ran around the room and then watered the plant.

I was still so hot I had to water each of the chair legs, hm that’s 2 chairs times 4 legs at one pint each. (Someone was yelling “Get a mop”). Now I was feeling lots better and pretty feisty, so I ripped the pretty flower plant out of the box and shook it really good, spreading dirt and bark chips all over the floor.

Then Chief tried to pick me up for “hesitation step” and I nipped him. This was a really big mistake because now I am in Doghouseville again, dagnabit.

Looks like the bowling pin (BP) is gonna get the part. I don’t know how they are going to get the plant watered. .So much for dog showbusiness.
Your friend, Charlie


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