The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Good, The Bad, and The

Dear Liebe:

Bad news: My vacation at Mack and Nancy’s got cut short. There I was, happily managing their squirrels and other critters; Chief showed up 5 days early and brought me home. Rats, I am back to eating regular dog food, being a good boy .

Ugly news: Apparently they had a traffic accident, got a ride in a police car, and came home after only 3 hours on their trip. The ”Little Hut” trailer is no more, and they are looking for another SUV. Chief makes jokes about “KRASH WOMAN” making four tries to knock down a concrete bridge with the SUV.

Good news; Last evening, while I was watching outside, this large gray overfed cat showed up. It had this strange collar thing around its neck, with a little red tag. I guess it must be a city cat, because country cats don’t have collars and such. Chief sent me out to escort if off the property (chase it), and after a couple of near misses, I finally found the cat. Well, gee, this cat is ½ again bigger than me, and after a few yards it figured that out. Then apparently the cat decided it shouldn’t run from something my size, and turned to fight.

“Go ahead, Gray cat, Make my day!”.

Life is Good! I dissuaded the cat from that fighting idea and finally chased it up a tree on the hill beyond the next house…this does sound like a movie script, doesn’t it? A mouthful of cat fur more than makes up for a couple of scratches!!

Great news is: I’m in love! Do you remember the chocolate lab dog when I needed help chasing the Scottish cows! She is so nice and thoughtful and……
”She has a ru-by red muzzle..
And So-oft brown fur…,
And eyes that would tempt any Yorkie”.

(aaahhhhrrrr…Chief has been singing “Almost Persuaded” song four times a day, and is driving me nuts. Chief and Briggie are scheduled to perform their skit on August 1 at county lunch concert. I hope he stops singing after that.)

Back to the point; So any time I get out the front door, I immediately head up 122nd to visit my friend. She has a really nice dog house on the porch.

Really bad news: I am so grounded. Chief had to drive up there 4 times this week to bring me home. He yells really loud and and throws sharp gravel a long ways. “Ouch, ouch!!! Run faster little legs! Gotta get home, Quick”

That’s all for middle of July, 2006….Charlie


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