The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tis Twas or Twixt or tween?

Twas a long hard day, saving Clark County from Sewage

I came home, tired and sore and mentally exhausted.
The Wife was puttering in kitchen.
Later, she called: “Come and Eat”

I asked, “What have we here?” “One pan has chicken, a pot has some spaghetti sauce but what in tarnation is this? And that?”

She gave me “the look” and answered:

“THIS is finely sliced organic grown vegetarian German cabbage”

“THAT is healthy wholesome Thai brown rice noodles”

“Which would you like with your chicken and spaghetti sauce?”

And that folks, is tween rock and a hard place for dinner.

Charlie however gets real dog biscuits.


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