The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Field Identification of “Stuff”

Prologue: Joe and Daniela learned to identify different animals and stuff by sitting on Dad’s lap and he went thru catalogs with pictures of deer and bears and fish and stuff. He might have done bit of this with Martina too.

Now Mikki and Zander and EJ are on a test outing with G-pa. They are not far out, just to “The Stump” in the back yard. (The stump is final repository where things which quit (phones, tvs, microwaves) end up as targets.)

G-pa says: “Ok kids, we are going to learn some target and food identification tools today, to make you better able to survive in the outside real world. So first off we look at the things here and figure out what they are or were.”

“Now look at this old piece of white plastic laying here. See, its about 14” long and 3 inches wide. Anybody got any ideas?”

Mikki chimes in with, “G-PA, you can’t fool us, that was an old bowling pin!”

G-pa says, “You are right on, little gal. Now what is this thing? Its all black, has a plug on one end, has holes in it, “Made in Singapore”….?”

EJ says: “hmmm, it’s got a little wire to this unshot end. I bet it was a charger for a phone or something….HEY, here a speaker from a telephone too. Wow, there’s lots of neat shot up stuff here. Bet we could put it together and make something!”

Mikki kicks at something half buried in leaves and spent bullets and says, “What’s this black heavy thing? Mom has something like this at home but it stays hidden in the cupboard and we daren’t take it out.”

Zander picks it up and turns it around, looks thru the bullet holes, and sniffs. Then he bangs it against the stump….Bboinggg!. “I think this is an old sauce pan, and someone burned it to bits so you put it on the stump”.

EJ, just having acquired his very own Leatherman tool, starts digging at the crusted stuff on the saucepan. “Hey, this looks like a very old burnt carrot, and this smells like….Minestrone soup, Campbells deluxe”.

G-pa says; “Yup, you got it. You kids are really smart. Let’s go in and make some hot chocolate before Briggie comes home and burns up the last pot in the house.”


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