The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Hut

Well folks, I have great news. The Chief and Briggi, (people I take care of, guard, wake up when they need woken, etc) like me sooo much, they bought me my own trailer!!!

We call it “The Hut”. Its 14 feet long, just right for a Yorkie. It has sleeping for 5 dog friends, and lots of space under the table for nipping toes and stealing socks. There’s air conditioning, and a real furnace to keep me warm at night.

I persuaded them to drive to Everett last Thursday, Chief got the walk over training on the trailer while Briggie did paper work. Briggie did a good job, we found out later Chief was pretty clueless on all this newfangled gizmo stuff.

Then we drove to Sea Tac airport to pickup uncle Joe. I guarded the merc in the parking garage while brigge and chief tried to find joe. Naturally he found them instead.

So we drove back to Everett, hooked up the trailer, and went to big shoot at Marysville. We had the whole parking lot to ourselves, nestled in the shade of big cedars. It was perfect. I had figured out earlier that this is where chief should park, so I wouldn’t get too hot during the day.

Night got a little chilly but naturally Chief couldn’t figure out how to get the furnace running. Lucky for me, joe was along and figured out that pushing the switch in the ON direction, would work. It did.

I guarded them really well that night, got chief up at least 6 times to check out strange noises in parking lot. Briggie got cold, needed more blankets.

During Saturday day, I guarded trailer, but that was easy, no raccoons or kids around to chase. Saturday night, we took briggie to Lee house, when we arrived there were two strange cats in their back yard. I took care of that little problem quickly.

Joe and Reuel and I returned to Marysville, and we all slept good on Saturday night. Sunday I guarded trailer till briggi and martina and zander and mikki showed up. That was fun.

Then we came home….I ran off, ate some good neighbor’s raccoon food, returned home and threw up in living room. Chief cleaned it up. At night, raccoons were outside, chief let me chase em. After I returned at 2am, I thanked chief by throwing up in the bed really quietly…..You should have heard him when he rolled over into it.

Briggie slept so soundly, she heard none of that.

Nuff of that weekend-
Charlie Brown


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