The Emreez

Super Truck. Dogs. Guns. Writing. Hot Dogs. Beer. "The Big Story on Action News". Burnt Cooking. Sauerkraut. German Wife. Pin Shooting. Gun Club. Hot Red Wine. Tall Tales. Mercurys. Trailer. Shooting. Re-loading. TUMS. Canopys. Chain Saws. In-Laws. Aliens. Kids. Grandkids. Pretty much sums it up.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Flying, Swimming and Fencing

We are having a wonderful month here. Uncle David and Aunt Susie are here from Pennsylvania! We are learning: flying and swimming and fencing.

Flying: Yup, I have learned. Who would’a thunk it? Chief was working on the battery, because car wouldn’t start. I was guarding the inside of the car. Briggie decided to clean the inside, and her hand invaded guarded space. Whack!l

My mistake was that Chief was right there! I flew about 15 feet and landed in the sawdust chip landscaping and then “”ouch”, Chief was “ouch ouch” throwing these sharp little “ouch ouch” gravels at me till I ran up into the woods and hid. I will not whack on Briggie again when Chief is around, let me tell you!!

We picked up Dave and Sue at airport. That was neat. When we came home, Dave tried to make friends with me by giving me food. Good plan. Then he tried to take food away from me. ½ Whack! Got away with it because Chief wasn’t there close.

Swimmin’: I took all the people for a walk at Lewisville Park. Then Chief started jumping on rocks out into the river, and wanted me to come along. When I wouldn’t wade any deeper than my paws, he tried to help me out onto the last big rock. Somehow he dropped me into the river, clear at the far end of the dog leash and I had to swim back. (that almost seemed like flying again)

Everyone laughed at my swimming skills. Yeah right. What they didn’t know was that a Yorkie can carry 9 pounds of sand in his coat, and it all went into the Mercury when we got to the car. The last laugh was mine.

Fencing: I am still waking Chief at least once each night, usually twice to chase fat raccoons out of the yard. Chief and David put lots more wire on chicken pen, we are down to three chickens now and the raccoons are getting really fat

Chief is sure slow. There was a raccoon on the tied up chicken carcass, and he messed up getting flashlight and rifle ready the other night… I treed the raccoon down over the hill, but Chief only went a little way into the briers and poison oak. He was mumbling about wearing only skivvies and sneakers.

Briggie was laughing about that, talking about the crazy man running around in the moonlight, waving his flashlight into the trees, and all she could see was white skivvy shorts.

- Charlie

Chief: Refers to RFE, the owner of this blog.
Briggie: Wife of Chief.
Whack: To try and slice someone with your little, sharp dog fangs.


Blogger Daniela said...

Charlie and Chief-
Have you spotted anymore raccoons since you wrote this story? And who does the actual typing? Chief...or Charlie?

2:15 PM  

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